Keratex products are liked by farriers, veterinarians and horse groomers worldwide. Highly recommended Keratex, has worked with products in horse hoof care since 1990 and with the help of farriers and veterinarians has developed a product segment that targets the horse’s hooves. Dr John Irving MBE, PhD, Fraes founded the business through his first product Hoof Hardener, in Wiltshire, UK. Hoof Harder from Keratex was patented and has been their flagship ever since. The products from Keratex have been expanded over time and today there are products that focus on ray rot, hoof abscess and other things that your horse’s hooves may need help with. Keratex works closely with the UK’s Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) and America’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure that the products are of the highest quality and are functional for each individual need.